

Beyond Greenwashing: The Authenticity Imperative for CSOs

Beyond Greenwashing: The Authenticity Imperative for CSOs


We all know we need to be more sustainable, but as we collectively work towards building a brighter future for our planet, many businesses find themselves overwhelmed by the task at hand. And despite (mostly) best intentions, many organisations are falling foul of incoming legislative changes, and subsequently being viewed as, or in the worst case charged with, greenwashing.


Not only is this a misstep on the journey to sustainability, but it’s a tactic that today’s increasingly savvy consumer sees straight through. Welcome to the rise of authenticity. We want companies of all kinds to be entirely transparent. This shift in mindset is more than just a passing trend - it’s a fundamental change in how businesses are expected to operate. 


Wait, what is greenwashing?

Greenwashing is making unsubstantiated or misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product, service or company. It's essentially an attempt to portray an organisation as more environmentally friendly or socially responsible than it actually is. Unfortunately, greenwashing has become increasingly common, as organisations across all industries use marketing tactics to increase the demand for their services or products.


The rise of authenticity

In response to the rise of greenwashing, consumers and investors have started to demand authenticity and transparency from the companies they support. Authentic organisations are those that are genuinely committed to making a positive impact, and not afraid to show their stakeholders the steps they're taking to achieve their sustainability goals.


Authenticity is about being honest, accountable and consistent in both actions and communications. It's not just about what a company says; it's about what it does. The most successful organisations recognise that sustainability isn’t just a PR strategy, but an integral part of their business ethos.


Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs) naturally play a crucial role in ensuring their organisation's sustainability efforts are authentic and transparent. So let’s look at how today’s CSOs can lead with integrity to build trust among stakeholders… 


Identifying areas for improvement 

CSOs should begin by targeting easy wins - areas where they can reduce waste and prevent materials from going to the landfill. Although finding more sustainable operational methods requires effort, the potential benefits are huge. Sustainable products and services can lower costs, mitigate risks, boost engagement from stakeholders and employees, and create new market opportunities.


Setting clear, realistic goals

To build trust, CSOs must start by establishing clear and measurable sustainability goals that not only align with industry standards, but are a reflection of the organisation's values and long-term objectives, and are material to their business operations. These goals should be ambitious yet achievable, so setting accurate baseline assessments, along with quantifiable transition plans, should come before the net-zero goal many organisations have rushed to set.


Engaging stakeholders

Engaging with stakeholders is essential for authenticity. Successful CSOs actively seek input from customers, employees, investors and community members to understand their concerns when it comes to sustainability. By involving stakeholders in decision-making processes CSOs will ensure that their sustainability efforts are relevant and meaningful.


Committing to transparent reporting

Authenticity requires transparency, so CSOs should provide comprehensive and accurate reports on the organisation's sustainability performance (including both successes and challenges). They can use their sustainability data to back up any environmental claims they make about their business. Greenwashed comms rarely include numbers, so this transparency demonstrates a genuine commitment to accountability and builds audience trust.


Leading by example

Because authenticity starts from within, CSOs must ensure sustainability is integrated into all aspects of their organisation's operations - from supply chain management right through to product design. Leading by example will help to inspire employees at all levels to embrace sustainability, integrate environmental awareness into company culture and ensure claims can be measured and verified.


Embracing continuous improvement

Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. To build trust with their stakeholders, CSOs should foster a culture of continuous improvement, seeking to eradicate shame around current sustainability shortcomings and constantly finding new ways to minimise negative environmental impact.


Incorporating sustainability into the story 

Once a CSO has made strides toward sustainable operations and can verify their efforts, they should incorporate this into their marketing strategy. This is a great way to showcase commitment, with verifiable and clear data sitting behind the story. Pulling this all together into a clear and coherent message is where value creation through sustainability is at its best. 


Authenticity is no longer optional, it's essential. The rise of greenwashing has undermined both stakeholder and audience trust, but CSOs have a unique opportunity to remedy this and lead their organisation towards sustainable success. 


We’re here to do exactly that. A global talent solutions organisation on a critical journey to connect the people who believe in leaving our world better than they found it, we’re a B Corp certified organisation supporting companies like yours to attract, assess, onboard and retain leaders within their Executive Teams. All while helping to develop impact investing, ESG, sustainability, corporate affairs, communication and responsible business functions.


Get in touch to accelerate your sustainability journey with GS2.